Monday, July 15, 2024

How to Apply as Nurses in New Zealand

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Nurses are in demand in New Zealand. There is a shortage of qualified nurses in the country, which has led to high demand for both local and international nurses. The New Zealand government has actively been working to attract more nurses and has implemented various initiatives to support them.

Why is there a shortage of nurses in New Zealand

There are a few reasons for the shortage of nurses in New Zealand:

  1. Aging workforce: Many nurses in New Zealand are reaching retirement age, leading to a decline in the number of experienced nurses in the workforce.
  2. Increased demand for healthcare services: The growing population and increasing demand for healthcare services have put pressure on the nursing workforce.
  3. Attractive employment opportunities overseas: New Zealand nurses are highly sought after by other countries, which can result in them leaving to work abroad.
  4. Challenges in attracting and retaining nurses: Recruitment and retention of nurses can be difficult, as there are competing demands for their skills and qualifications in other industries, and some nurses face work-life balance issues.
Auckland skyline

The New Zealand government has been working to address these challenges, but the shortage of nurses continues to be a concern for the country’s healthcare system.

Which countries do foreign nurses in New Zealand come from

  1. The Philippines
  2. India
  3. The United Kingdom
  4. South Africa
  5. Samoa
  6. Fiji
  7. Ireland
  8. Canada
  9. Australia

This diversity of backgrounds and cultures can bring a wealth of experience and skills to the New Zealand nursing workforce. The New Zealand government has actively sought to attract overseas nurses to help address the shortage of nurses in the country.

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How does New Zealand nurses’ pay compare with countries like Australia, the UK, and the United States?

The pay for nurses in New Zealand can vary depending on several factors, including experience, qualifications, and location. However, on average, the pay for nurses in New Zealand is comparable to that in Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Compared to the United States, the pay for nurses in New Zealand is generally lower, but the cost of living is also lower, which can help to balance out the difference in earnings.

Compared to the United Kingdom, the pay for nurses in New Zealand is generally similar, although the cost of living can be higher in some areas of New Zealand.

Compared to Australia, the pay for nurses in New Zealand can be slightly lower, but the cost of living is generally lower in New Zealand, which can help to balance out the difference in earnings.

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It’s important to note that pay is just one of many factors that can influence a nurse’s decision to work in a particular country, and other factors, such as quality of life, career opportunities, and access to healthcare services, can also play a role.

What are the pros and cons of working as a nurse in New Zealand?

Here are some of the pros and cons of working as a nurse in New Zealand:


  1. High demand for nurses: There is a high demand for nurses in New Zealand, with a shortage of qualified nursing professionals in many areas of the country. This means that there are many opportunities for nurses to find work, especially in rural and remote areas.
  2. Good working conditions: Nurses in New Zealand generally enjoy good working conditions, with many employers offering flexible hours, paid time off, and other benefits.
  3. High standard of living: New Zealand is known for its high standard of living, with a strong economy, low unemployment rate, and affordable cost of living.
  4. Supportive healthcare system: The healthcare system in New Zealand is well-regarded, with a strong emphasis on patient-centered care and support for healthcare professionals.


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  1. Workload: Nursing can be a physically and emotionally demanding job, and nurses in New Zealand may face high workloads and long hours.
  2. Competitive job market: With many qualified nurses competing for a limited number of jobs, the job market can be competitive, especially in urban areas.
  3. Cost of education: The cost of education for nursing can be high, with many students facing significant student loan debt after completing their studies.
  4. Cultural differences: For foreign nurses, adjusting to the cultural differences in New Zealand can be challenging, especially if you are used to working in a different healthcare system.

These are some of the pros and cons of working as a nurse in New Zealand. As with any career, the specific advantages and disadvantages will depend on your individual circumstances and priorities. If you are considering working as a nurse in New Zealand, it’s a good idea to research the job market, the cost of living and the support available to healthcare professionals in the country to determine if it’s the right choice for you.

What is the salary based on the types of nursing jobs in New Zealand?

The salary for different types of nursing jobs in New Zealand can vary depending on several factors, including experience, qualifications, and location. Here is a rough guide to the salary ranges for some common nursing roles in New Zealand:

  1. Registered Nurse: $55,000 – $85,000 per year
  2. Enrolled Nurse: $45,000 – $70,000 per year
  3. Clinical Nurse Specialist: $80,000 – $110,000 per year
  4. Nurse Practitioner: $90,000 – $120,000 per year
  5. Intensive Care Nurse: $60,000 – $90,000 per year
  6. Mental Health Nurse: $55,000 – $85,000 per year
  7. Community Health Nurse: $55,000 – $85,000 per year

These salary ranges are a rough guide and should not be taken as definitive. Actual salaries can vary depending on experience, qualifications, and location. It’s also important to note that other factors, such as the cost of living, can affect the overall standard of living for nurses in New Zealand.

Age limit on nursing job applicants to New Zealand

There is no specific age limit for nurses who can apply to work in New Zealand. However, in order to be eligible for registration with the Nursing Council of New Zealand, you must be able to demonstrate that you have the physical and mental capacity to practice nursing safely and effectively.

Additionally, if you are over the age of 45 and wish to work as a nurse in New Zealand, you may be required to undergo a medical assessment to ensure that you meet the physical and mental requirements for the role.

Overall, the eligibility criteria for working as a nurse in New Zealand are focused on ensuring that you have the necessary skills, qualifications, and experience to practice safely and effectively, rather than on age. If you are considering applying to work as a nurse in New Zealand, it’s a good idea to get in touch with the Nursing Council of New Zealand or a recruitment agency for more information on the specific requirements and eligibility criteria.

Requirements for foreign nurses to apply for New Zealand jobs

The requirements for foreign nurses to apply to work in New Zealand are as follows:

  1. Education and qualifications: You must have a nursing qualification that is recognized by the Nursing Council of New Zealand. This typically involves having completed a nursing program at a recognized institution and passing a national licensing examination.
  2. Registration: You must be registered with the NCNZ in order to practice as a nurse in the country. This involves passing a competency assessment and demonstrating that you meet the council’s standards for registration.
  3. English language proficiency: You must be able to demonstrate a high level of proficiency in English, both written and spoken, as English is the language used in the New Zealand healthcare system. You may be required to provide evidence of your language skills, such as a score on an English language test.
  4. Work visa: You must have a valid work visa or residency permit in order to work in New Zealand. The process for obtaining a work visa can vary depending on your country of origin and other factors, and you may need to provide evidence of your qualifications, work experience, and English language skills.
  5. Health and character: You may be required to undergo a health assessment and provide a police clearance certificate to demonstrate that you meet the health and character requirements for working in New Zealand.

These are the basic requirements for foreign nurses to apply to work in New Zealand. However, the specific requirements can vary depending on your country of origin and other factors, so it’s important to check the latest information from the Nursing Council of New Zealand or a reputable recruitment agency.

New Zealand nurse net pay: Sample salary and tax computation

Here is a sample computation of a nurse’s salary before and after tax in New Zealand, assuming an annual salary of $70,000:


  • Annual salary: $70,000
  • Monthly salary: $70,000 / 12 = $5,833.33


  • Taxable income: $70,000 – $22,000 (tax-free threshold) = $48,000
  • Tax payable: $48,000 x 17.5% (tax rate) = $8,400
  • Net annual salary: $70,000 – $8,400 = $61,600
  • Net monthly salary: $61,600 / 12 = $5,133.33

It’s important to note that this is just a sample computation and your actual salary and tax obligations may differ based on your specific circumstances. Factors such as student loan repayments, child support, and KiwiSaver contributions can also affect your take-home pay.

It’s a good idea to consult a financial advisor or use a tax calculator to get a more accurate estimate of your salary and tax obligations in New Zealand.

How can Filipino nurses apply for jobs in New Zealand

Here are the general steps to apply for nursing jobs in New Zealand from the Philippines:

  1. Education and qualifications: Ensure that you have a nursing qualification that is recognized by the Nursing Council of New Zealand (NCNZ). This typically involves having completed a nursing program at a recognized institution and passing a national licensing examination.
  2. Register with NCNZ: You must be registered with the NCNZ in order to practice as a nurse in New Zealand. You can apply for registration through the NCNZ’s online portal, which includes submitting your qualifications, professional references, and proof of English proficiency.
  3. Apply for a work visa: Once you have been registered with NCNZ, you can apply for a work visa through the New Zealand Immigration website. You will need to provide evidence of your qualifications, work experience, and English language skills, as well as meet the health and character requirements for working in New Zealand.
  4. Find a job: You can start looking for nursing jobs in New Zealand once you have a work visa. Many recruiters and employers have online job boards and websites, and you can also use online job search engines to find suitable positions.
  5. Relocate to New Zealand: Once you have found a job, you can make arrangements to relocate to New Zealand. This may involve finding a place to live, enrolling in health insurance, and registering with a bank.

These are the general steps to apply for nursing jobs in New Zealand from the Philippines. However, the specific requirements and process can vary depending on your individual circumstances, so it’s a good idea to check the latest information from the Nursing Council of New Zealand, the New Zealand Immigration website, or a reputable recruitment agency.

Is IELTS required for Filipino nurses to apply to New Zealand?

Yes, English proficiency is a requirement for Filipinos applying as nurses in New Zealand. The Nursing Council of New Zealand (NCNZ) requires that all registered nurses have a sufficient level of English language proficiency to practice safely and effectively.

One way to demonstrate English proficiency is by taking the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam. The NCNZ currently requires a minimum score of 7.0 in each component (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) of the IELTS exam for nurse registration.

It is important to check with the NCNZ for the most up-to-date information on their requirements for English language proficiency, as these may change from time to time.

Number of nurses admitted to New Zealand every year

The exact number of nurses admitted to New Zealand each year may vary depending on factors such as demand, workforce requirements, and immigration policies. However, it is worth noting that the New Zealand government has recently introduced policies to increase the number of skilled migrants entering the country, including nurses, in order to address the ongoing shortage of healthcare professionals.

It may be helpful to check with the Nursing Council of New Zealand or the New Zealand Immigration website for the most up-to-date information on the number of nurses being admitted to the country each year.

To apply for a nurse job in New Zealand, individuals must have a recognized nursing qualification and be registered with the Nursing Council of New Zealand (NCNZ). They must also demonstrate a sufficient level of English language proficiency, which can be done through the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam.

A work visa is also required, which can be obtained by applying through the New Zealand Immigration website and meeting the health and character requirements for working in the country.

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