27 Items Banned Inside Balikbayan Boxes to Philippines

It's a great feeling for a family to receive that balikbayan box sent by a relative abroad. The same feeling resonates with senders who...

8 Important Elements of an Employment Contract Every OFW Needs to Understand

Every employment is ideally bound with a set of agreements between an employer and employee with conditions of service, a list of duties, and...

The Orphans We Left Behind

In July 2011, when I got home from Libya after a long, arduous journey due to the war, I visited my son's school. His Grade...

8 Common Illnesses Overseas Filipino Workers Suffer

Overseas Filipino Workers or OFWs belong to various sectors and industries; from exposure to harmful substances to chronic fatigue and overwork and lack of...

Philippine ID: 8 Things About Our New Identification Card

The long wait for our very own Philippine ID is over. Citizens of the Philippines will finally have their own national ID after President Rodrigo...

13 Exclusive Privileges and OFW Benefits

As a way to honor overseas Filipino workers, several privileges and OFW benefits are in place for them and their families to enjoy and...

7 Wise Ways to Spend Your Salary Bonus

It goes by different names: performance bonus, salary bonus, Christmas bonus, and whatever other names it may be. But the feeling is the same:...

5 Values of OFWs That Make Them Subject to Abuse

Filipino workers are admired as workers abroad. Their qualities, such as strong work ethic, skilled and qualified to take on the job, strong English...

15 Simple Things Filipinos Can do to Help the Philippines

The Philippines has the world’s 73rd freest economy as of the 2022 Index of Economic Freedom ranking among 178 countries. But despite the improved financial standing of the country, the Philippines’ overall rating remains below average. To push growth and development, here are the 15 simple things Filipinos can do to help the Philippines. Proper disposal of garbage. This single...

5 Common Misconceptions About OFWs

Misconceptions about Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) frequently center on notions of financial affluence, ignoring the sacrifices and obstacles they experience. The misconceptions originate from a...

Viewing Through Partitions of Dubai Shared Apartments

Flat sharing, otherwise known as boarding house/room sharing in the Philippines, is not a new thing for Filipinos. So when I first arrived in...

27 Items Banned Inside Balikbayan Boxes to Philippines

It's a great feeling for a family to receive that balikbayan box sent by a relative abroad. The same feeling resonates with senders who...

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7 Toxic Attitudes of Some Filipinos Abroad Show to the World

Is it a change in scenery, an uplift in financial status, or just being in a place that others find hard to reach that made some people act like they are not mortals? Reading this Twitter thread and the subsequent echo of agreement among replies has inspired us to write our piece. Random pero sa abroad iba nga ang yabang ng...



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