OWWA Scholarship: OFW Dependent Scholarship Program

Requirements: Filled out the application form 1x1 ID photo For land-based OFWs: Photocopy of Name and photo Latest visa stamp Latest departure and arrival...

OFW Career: 6 Ways to Avoid Over-Extending It

Pardon the redundancy: over-extending. An OFW career planned for a few years gets extended sometimes beyond control. It's intentional because that's what is happening to...

8 Important Elements of an Employment Contract Every OFW Needs to Understand

Every employment is ideally bound with a set of agreements between an employer and employee with conditions of service, a list of duties, and...

A Value For You, Hard Working Filipino

It is innate to Filipinos to take care of their families in whatever ways possible, wherever they may be. Distance is never a hindrance...

OFW Passport Renewal: How OFWs Can Renew Passport in the Philippines

OFW passport renewal is a crucial requirement among Filipinos working abroad. It's almost a given that once a Filipino worker is based abroad, performing transactions...

8 Common Illnesses Overseas Filipino Workers Suffer

Overseas Filipino Workers or OFWs belong to various sectors and industries; from exposure to harmful substances to chronic fatigue and overwork and lack of...

7 Toxic Attitudes of Some Filipinos Abroad Show to the World

Is it a change in scenery, an uplift in financial status, or just being in a place that others find hard to reach that...

11 Annoying Facebook Habits You Need to Stop Doing

There were 73.17 million Filipino Facebook users in 2020. With free data access through major telecom network providers, Filipinos armed with prepaid mobile devices...

SSS Unified Multipurpose Identification (UMID) Card

As online fraud and identity theft has proliferated and many victims have complained of losing money or personal information sold to unscrupulous persons, the SSS card has also upgraded its Unified Multipurpose Identification or UMID card in its effort to tighten defense against fraudsters. The third-generation SSS identification card now features contact-less smartchip technology that enables storage of an SSS...

SSS Unified Multipurpose Identification (UMID) Card

As online fraud and identity theft has proliferated and many victims have complained of losing money or personal information sold to unscrupulous persons, the...

Why Hong Kong Typhoon Season Is Bad News to Many Domestic Workers

Domestic workers in Hong Kong and all over the world have plenty of tasks on hand to accomplish. From the moment they wake up in...

Godparent Gifts: Do Parents Have the Right to Demand From OFWs?

The issue of parents expecting or demanding godparent gifts for their children can be a polarizing topic. Opinions may vary depending on who you...

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Finding Job as a Factory Worker in Korea

Filipinos and other foreign workers who meet the Korean government's essential criteria may be able to find jobs in South Korea as factory workers. Filipino workers have found successful career opportunities in a number of industries in South Korea. It is not uncommon for them to be hired for positions such as assembly line workers, machine operators, and production line...



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