How to Process Qatar Family Visa

Good news for those who are missing their families in Qatar, families of sponsored residents in the country are now able to visit their...

10 Bad OFW Experiences During Holidays in the Philippines

The Philippines is undeniably one of the best places in the world to unwind and explore. However, as with any other destination, there are...

11 Pros and Cons As a Taiwan Factory Worker

Being an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) in Taiwan has its shares of advantages and disadvantages, just like anywhere else. Taiwan hires Filipino domestic helpers...

Games We Played as a Kid: Pinoy Children in the Past

We live in modern times, but it did not seem too long ago when many of us experienced a different life as young children. If...

OFW Relationship: When Married OFWs Fall in Love With Other People

Aside from financial debts, another thing that worsens the situation of an OFW is having illicit affairs with fellow workers or foreigners abroad. Truly...

7 Commandments for OFW Families

If there are unwritten laws that govern families of Filipinos working and living abroad, here are our suggestions: 1. Maintain communication. Family members maintain healthy relationships...

6 Investment Ideas for OFWs To Start A Business

Filipinos abroad are blessed with better financial windfall than back in the Philippines. But they're also aware that being an OFW, as they're more popularly...

4 Reasons Why Many OFWs Fail to Save Money

Contrary to many expectations that once a Filipino goes abroad and gets paid a salary higher than back home, many overseas Filipino workers go...

SSS Unified Multipurpose Identification (UMID) Card

As online fraud and identity theft has proliferated and many victims have complained of losing money or personal information sold to unscrupulous persons, the SSS card has also upgraded its Unified Multipurpose Identification or UMID card in its effort to tighten defense against fraudsters. The third-generation SSS identification card now features contact-less smartchip technology that enables storage of an SSS...

7 Commandments for OFW Families

If there are unwritten laws that govern families of Filipinos working and living abroad, here are our suggestions: 1. Maintain communication. Family members maintain healthy relationships...

How to Open a Stock Investment Account at COL Financial

Overview Once you decide you would like to invest in stock market, you may or may not know yet that you need to have a...

Marriage, Relationships A Distraction to Some OFWs

As Filipinos embark on a new life as migrant workers abroad, there is little doubt that they set well-defined priorities: the education of children,...

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8 Ways to Make PDOS More Helpful for OFWs

The Philippine government's Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS) aims to assist Filipinos migrating or working abroad in better understanding the country in which they will live or work. Many Filipinos, especially those who are unaware of the benefits of PDOS, have expressed doubts about its usefulness and often complain about the added procedures on their way to moving to another country. With...



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