3 Domestic Worker Superstitions You May Not Be Aware Of

Working at home in a foreign land can be a promising start for an overseas Filipino worker striving for success. But as a newcomer...

An Expat’s Life in Oman: An Experience Worth Anything

For long have experts debated over the strategic importance of countries like the UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, and the importance they hold...

The Orphans We Left Behind

In July 2011, when I got home from Libya after a long, arduous journey due to the war, I visited my son's school. His Grade...

POEA: Beware of Emails Accepting You for Jobs You Did Not Apply

The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration is once again reminding Filipino job applicants to ignore emails that offer employment for nurses and healthcare professionals in...

Study Now Pay Later (SNPL) and Other Available CHED Scholarships

FULL SCHOLARSHIP (FS) Intended for high school graduates whose general weighted average (GWA) is at least 90% or its equivalent, and for graduating high school...

How to Apply for OFW ID

Filipinos working abroad may now apply for the long-promised OFW ID that will eventually replace the overseas employment certificate. OFWs can register to create...

How to Claim Insurance Benefit For Natural Death Under Compulsory Insurance Coverage for Agency-Hired Migrant Workers

Under Compulsory Insurance Coverage for Agency-Hired Migrant Workers, beneficiaries of overseas Filipino workers who succumb to ailments while under contract in their jobs abroad...

7 Balikbayan Box Items Filipinos Love to Send to Family

No matter what the contents are, recipients of balikbayan boxes can feel the love sent from far away places.

Age Discrimination in the Philippine Job Market

Age discrimination is a complex issue that can have various causes and is not limited to the Philippines. In the country, it may be perpetuated by cultural attitudes that value youth and view aging as a negative, as well as a lack of legal protections for older workers. Additionally, economic factors such as a competitive job market may also contribute...

A Guide to Applying as a Nurse in Japan: Essential Steps and Requirements

Japan is a unique workplace due to its rich cultural heritage and traditions, highly developed technology, and strong work-life balance culture. With a high standard...

OFW Savings: Overseas Filipinos Fail to Save For Themselves During Pandemic

It's hard to generate OFW savings during this era of pandemics. Every month, even during the COVID-19 pandemic, Filipinos abroad continue to send home remittances...

POEA: Beware of Emails Accepting You for Jobs You Did Not Apply

The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration is once again reminding Filipino job applicants to ignore emails that offer employment for nurses and healthcare professionals in...

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12 OFW Greetings to Expect When They Come Home For Christmas

Kumusta? This greeting is what we all expect to hear from friends and family when we meet them back home after a long period of not seeing each other. But that might not be the only phrase we'll hear from loved ones and neighbors when we meet them during our vacation to the Philippines. "Dumating na pala ang balikbayan!" In a...



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Study Now Pay Later (SNPL) and Other Available CHED Scholarships

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3 Domestic Worker Superstitions You May Not Be Aware Of

Working at home in a foreign land can be a promising start for an overseas Filipino worker striving for success. But as a newcomer...

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