Monday, July 15, 2024

Balikbayan Boxes

8 Things You Need to Know before You Pack Your Balikbayan Box

Filipinos are known to be people who preserve strong family ties. One of the things that most OFWs often prepare are balikbayan boxes. These balikbayan boxes contain packages that they send to their love ones. This is one way...

DTI Accredited Balikbayan Box Cargo Forwarders

The Department of Trade and Industry released the list of Philippine accredited cargo forwarders as of August 2021. For a list of addresses and contact numbers, please refer to the following file: List of DTI accredited cargo forwarders Foreign Agent Local Freight Forwarding...

How To Avoid Balikbayan Box Scams

Filipinos like to send balikbayan boxes back home especially on the holidays or before they come to visit. These generally contain a variety of gifts and souvenirs that are given to family and friends upon their return. The boxes...

Most Common Items Found in an OFW Balikbayan Box

A balikbayan box is always a joy to see for Filipino families with some members living or working abroad. The box generally contains a variety of purely imported gifts. Filipinos are particularly fond of imported items, knowing these to...

8 Balikbayan Box Tips Before Sending to the Philippines

Before sending them out, ensure you read the following balikbayan box tips. Balikbayan boxes are synonymous with overseas Filipino workers (OFWs). Imagine the joy and excitement of family members back home when the "package" finally reaches home. Everyone is definitely...
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