Friday, May 17, 2024

19 Negative Filipino Traits & Values That Need to Change

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There are things we find annoying about Filipinos—our bad habits don’t seem to change for the better. It may be true that certain nationalities have worse attitudes or habits, but why pick on them? We should be more concerned about what’s going on in our backyard than elsewhere. Such negative Filipino traits earn us a negative reputation and paint the country badly.

Of course, not all Filipinos share these bad qualities, but if you feel offended reading any of the items below, maybe you fall into this segment of society that needs improvement in attitudes and outlook. If not, good for you.

Acknowledging our negative Filipino traits means we are open to improving ourselves

Here are some of the bad qualities possessed by many—but not all—Filipinos.

Inconsiderate to others

When someone celebrates a birthday, graduation, or winning the lotto in the neighborhood, the party lasts through the night, keeping neighbors awake by the noise of an out-of-tune videoke singer.

On the road, inconsiderate drivers blow their horns every 24 seconds, make a U-turn in prohibited areas, and rarely give way to other vehicles. Just because a poker game is among the few reasons to attract people to join a grieving family, the card game is reluctantly introduced, even against their will.

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Even if there are signs of “do not block the driveway,” “no parking” or “bawal umihi dito” there are still inconsiderate kababayans who do the opposite.

Many Filipinos are observed to throw cigarette butts on the streets or household garbage on rivers. Motorists are seen on the road not following their lane, offering courtesy to pedestrians crossing at designated areas, or driving recklessly.

Some neighbors disregard others through their loud karaoke music or revving their motorcycles loudly, which could disturb the peace of others at night.

Some Filipinos cut in line at supermarkets, churches, or crowded places and do not follow the first-come, first-served system.

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Some kababayans are rude or disrespectful to service workers, such as servers, cashiers, or customer service representatives, and do not clean after their table after dining out.

Disrespectful to other people’s time

Even after agreeing to meet at a certain time, many Filipinos fail to fulfill it, using alibis as traffic, getting caught up with something, or getting lost in the way, showing disrespect for other people’s time. Many professionals, like doctors, dentists, or local politicians, arrive late for appointments with little regard for other people’s time.

Some government workers procrastinate or delay their responses to urgent requests or inquiries, causing unnecessary stress and anxiety for the general public. On a related note, co-workers can be seen engaging in non-essential or prolonged conversations or discussions during work hours, preventing others from completing their tasks or responsibilities on time.

If these folks can’t fulfill simple tasks, can we trust them when lending them our prized books or CDs, loaning them money, or anything else they promise to return?

And hey, the videoke shop in the neighborhood needs to do its business and ignore everyone, disrespecting even when there is a prayer for a dead neighbor going on nearby.

Related: Annoying Habits of Many OFWs


Many Filipinos complain of being racially profiled (eg. some Filipinas in the Middle East are easy to get or gullible). Still, some of us look down on other people, such as Indians, as fellows with stinky body odor who live off through ‘5-6’ usury business.

Or on Chinese neighbors who own bigger stores in the market as penny-pinchers. But we can’t look at ourselves and fix our flaws.

Once we Filipinos are exposed to other cultures, we mature and widen our understanding of discrimination and racism. While they taunt and make fun of others back home, they complain as victims of discrimination abroad.


Many Filipinos want to know who their stalkers at social media and install the ‘Who are my top viewers? application, which turns out to be a link to a malicious website. Many Filipinos want to get everybody’s attention to the point that they post clinging to a celebrity in photos, take photos at Starbucks, or buy some luxury items trying to show off their social-climbing skills.

Some Filipinos constantly seek attention and admiration from others and feel entitled to special treatment. They are likely the same people who are preoccupied with physical appearance and material possessions and dismiss the opinions or accomplishments of others. At the same time, they constantly seek to be the center of attention.

Even when things are of higher priority, many Filipinos continue to devote time, effort, and money to things that make them famous or appear on the upper levels of society, even if it means they’ll bury themselves in debt.


While admittedly profoundly religious, many Filipinos also live a life of hypocrisy, or failure to walk the talk. Inside the Quiapo church are devoted, spiritual people. But outside, it seems like a world away. Some shops sell abortion formulas, clearly in defiance of church teachings, and it is an apparent sign that unwanted pregnancy is a common observation n the country.  On top of that, viewers in the Philippines are consistently ranked at the top when it comes to accessing adult websites.

Some churchgoing hypocrites sit in front and are attentive to church activities. But they also say one thing but do another, such as preaching about being pious while maltreating their household helpers.


We easily go ballistic whenever the word Filipino is used as dark humor in a script of an American sitcom or a celebrity mocks our “presumed” perfect accent. We are quick to call for apologies, even if they’re all meant as a joke.

We choose to fight back instead of changing our bad habits. That may be a reason we have become a common topic of humor. We didn’t hear an uproar in Kingston when Stephen Bishop sang, “down in Jamaica…lot’s of pretty women…steal your money and break your heart.” He might be considered persona non-grata if ‘Jamaica’ was replaced with ‘Philippines’.

In a celebrity-driven society where the words and actions of famous people command attention and influence public behavior, more Filipinos are becoming emotional or upset when things do not go one’s way, and blaming others for one’s shortcomings or failures.

One of negative Filipino traits: lack of discipline.
Signs like this are needed to remind Filipinos of common sense.


Some Filipinos prefer to receive a few hundred pesos, two kilos of rice, or a shirt printed with a mug shot of an aspiring politician in exchange for votes running for office rather than resist temptation and bond together for a better society and governance.

Yet they are the first to complain of poor governance, regardless of who the Philippine president is. Poor tricycle drivers are allowed to ply dangerous streets, risking the lives and limbs of passengers, to earn a living. No wonder politicians often find it practical to plaster their faces everywhere, no matter how shallow the idea is. That’s because the more they are visible, the more likely they’ll win, even if records show they’re worthless as trash.


When going to the market, some Filipinos prefer to take a motorized bike and pay a premium instead of a 20-minute walk to ensure they will not miss a favorite TV show. They lament how a hundred peso bill can no longer be stretched.

Or they spend the whole day staring at the television, sending SMS on shows that offer prizes to ‘home text partners’. Ironically, to say that OFWs are not lazy is an understatement; overseas Filipinos are among the hardest-working people on Earth, taking jobs others would likely ignore. One thing that keeps unemployment high is that half of the unemployed are not looking for work. While not all of them are lazy, being lazy is undoubtedly a contributing factor in their lack of motivation to look for work.


Many Filipinos live off talking about the affairs of other people. Maybe that’s because it’s a major function of Filipino culture. Who impregnated a neighbor’s teenage daughter? A barrio councilor has bad breath. The baby of a close friend has a striking resemblance to the family driver.

Many folks in the neighborhood are quick at spreading rumors or hearsay about other people’s personal lives, such as their relationships, finances, or health issues. They spend the day engaging in idle talk or speculation about other people’s motives or intentions without any basis or evidence. They are very good at participating in conversations or discussions focused on criticizing or belittling other people rather than on positive or constructive topics.

No wonder many families are broken, trust lost, and friendships gone awry because of people trying to get in the way. Proof: Tabloids are selling like hotcakes.


Pass laws that are easily broken: no smoking on jeepneys, no jaywalking on streets, picking flowers in the park, or peeing on fences, trees, or truck tires. Even wearing prescribed attire (‘please wear semi-formal wear’) when attending wedding ceremonies becomes challenging to follow.

Many Filipinos are consistently late for work, doctor appointments, or meetings without any valid excuse or explanation, if not traffic congestion. Many Filipinos also lack self-control or self-discipline in personal habits or behaviors, such as eating, exercising, or spending habits.

When we arrive abroad, we find it necessary to follow the rules, but we seem to take our country and its simple laws for granted.

We throw our garbage anywhere, assuming that someone will fix our mess. We don’t clean up our tables after eating at fast food outlets, presuming we paid the janitor to clean it.

Practice crab mentality

Once a fledgling sari-sari store business becomes the talk of the barrio, everyone is riding the bandwagon and doing the same business. Eventually, every single store in the neighborhood fails and shuts down its operation.

Many Filipinos refuse to acknowledge or appreciate other people’s talents or abilities and belittle or dismiss their contributions. Instead, they engage in “tall poppy syndrome,” where successful or accomplished individuals are targeted for criticism or ridicule to bring them down to the level of others.

If someone gets promoted at work, some Filipinos are good at making up stories; did he date the supervisor? Did she sleep with the manager? It also exists in the form of protectionism. Insecurity or lack of creativity drives this attitude.

Practice cronyism

A bright yet not well-connected job applicant never gets the job vacancy because it was reserved for a family member of an incumbent official or a reward for supporters of a candidate who just won the elections.

Eventually, he lands a job abroad, and a firm abroad benefits from his skills. A well-connected passenger gets the airport’s particular lane while hard-working OFWs sweat it out on a long line. The political supporter who lands the job is often a topic of conversation because of his or her skills, or lack thereof.

“Nakapasok ako as clerk sa City Hall kasi malakas ako kay Mayor,” a proud yet unqualified government worker might say.

Sadly, this habit encourages corruption in government service, a disease that society struggles to avoid.


Some Filipinos have the nerve to crash into birthday parties uninvited or show up at a birthday party because a friend of an invited friend brought them along. Also, they tag along other family members to wedding banquets, even if organizers have carefully considered the tight headcount.

They enjoy free electricity supply through illegal connections or enjoy a bonanza of free water from busted pipes instead of reporting the apparent waste of scarce resources.

They don’t pay for the fares of jeepneys driven by friends, assuming that it’s implied that even the driver made no mention of free rides. “Thank you, pre,” the freeloader quips as he alights the vehicle. They sometimes disrespect the families of the recently deceased, coming to the wakes not to pay respects but to get free meals.

They often visit the house of a balikbayan or OFW who just arrived and demand—they don’t wait—presents. When a foreigner invites a Filipino out for lunch, this Pinoy might bring along his kids, parents, and whatnot.


Filipino politicians often change parties not because they found a better-principled group but to gain something—power, money, or fame. When momentum shifts, be prepared to jump ship and switch loyalty. Read their biographies and be not surprised they’ve been into various alliances with no actual accomplishments to show.

In Filipino culture, the fruit of the balimbing or starfruit tree has five sides or points, and it is often used metaphorically to describe individuals who are two-faced or opportunistic. In politics, a “climbing” politician changes their political affiliation frequently, often without any evident ideological or moral basis, and is perceived to be driven primarily by self-interest and personal gain. This term is often used pejoratively to criticize politicians seen as untrustworthy or lacking integrity.


Appointments are never meant to be on time, as many Filipinos make it a habit of not making it on time. Meetings, parties, church services, and so on. We guess teachers didn’t lack the motivation to make us punctual, as tardy ones were met with appropriate punishment. Shall we blame others for this? Traffic congestion, slow jeepney driver, hard-to-find location, I was robbed, and others in an endless list of alibis and excuses.

Overindulgence in ‘good time.’

A gathering of friends isn’t bad. But if it always meant 20 bottles of hard liquor to be consumed overnight, that’s something. Just get the job? Let’s celebrate and have a drink. I just got the paycheck. Let’s have a drink.

When someone starts reminding them to be frugal and slow down on alcohol spending, they reason out, “it’s my money; you have no business interfering,” “This is just once in a while” or “I need to drink to forget my problems.”. Yeah, right.

Treat OFWs as ATMs

Some Filipinos are so overly dependent on relatives working overseas that they don’t look for jobs or don’t attend classes because they are in an “abundant supply of financial aid.”. Worse, money remittance from OFWs is spent on luxuries and expenses like mobile phones, cars, and jewelry they can brag to friends instead of investments like farm lots or small businesses.

In many cases, nothing was allocated for savings or investment. When OFWs come home, families find it hard to explain where money was spent. That is why we sometimes think of reasons we shouldn’t remit money back to the Philippines.

Social climbers

Some Filipinos try to portray themselves as well-off, can-afford individuals who share photos of their latest branded bags (or wear employer’s dresses), shoes (even if they’re imitations), or drink coffee at some “social” coffee shop. There is no problem bragging if one can back it up.

Some Filipinos are good at constantly name-dropping or bragging about connections to influential or wealthy individuals to gain status or recognition. Some of them mimic the behavior or lifestyle of individuals in higher social classes, such as adopting specific speech patterns or mannerisms or frequenting upscale restaurants and clubs. Hey, don’t forget to post our macchiato at Starbucks on Instagram!

They go beyond one’s means to appear wealthier or more affluent than one is, such as purchasing expensive clothing, accessories, or cars and flaunting them on social media for everyone to notice and hopefully gain a few more likes in the process.

But the problem begins when such actions conceal reality. To cope with their “affluent” lifestyle and continue to join that exclusive circle of friends, these Filipinos may resort to extreme measures (embezzling money, prostituting themselves, or running to the nearest pawnshop). For OFWs who practice this habit, this could lead to more demanding families who think their relative abroad doesn’t have money problems or even become the target of robbers when they come home.


Some Filipinos have a lot of negative things to say about the Philippines. The government is corrupt. The airport stinks. Filipinos are always late. The Philippines remains laggy among its Southeast Asian neighbors. While these statements may be true, it doesn’t help if we only dwell on identifying the problems. We also must have solutions to offer to remedy the problem of tardiness, fixing the issues of our airports, or rampant corruption.

Some may ask, ‘Why just nitpick on bad attitudes and not offer solutions?’. You’re old enough to deal with these bad habits unless you failed your basic ‘good manners and right conduct‘ classes years ago.

Bato bato sa langit ang tatamaan, huwag magalit.

More Bad Attitudes: 7 Bad Traits of Many Filipinos

Of course, we possess more than 20 of these negative Filipino traits and bad attitudes. But if we aim to correct them, we think it’s good enough to list the 20 and try to change them instead of listing a hundred and failing to improve.

On the flip side, there are many things we can be proud of as Filipinos and positive traits we should adopt at all times. So it’s crucial that, as we try to fix our flaws, we are proud of the attributes that are unique to us Filipinos.





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      • right. as if what you’re doing is not at all bad.
        /shakes head.
        just you all are as negative as it gets.
        we’ve all been in one or two in this habits that we do.
        please stop thinking that ALL of us are the same, coz there are people who GROW UP and not stay like what you have up there. (or refuse to live that way)
        not saying i’m not one, puh-lease, we’ve at least been there, at least more than once in our lives. sheesh.

          • number 17.
            i am offended because that is for real .
            ofws work like slaves for their families to have a comfortable life .
            yet some of ththose families think it is an everlasting wealth.
            what if the ofw losses the job? what are they going to go home to?
            annabanana ,are you one of those people who is totally dependent on ofws, and not work because they are the bread winners?.

            kaya kung minsan , kahit masakit , kailangan nating sabihin…
            kaya walang asenso ang kapwa nating pinoy , naka -asa lagi…

          • ksi money lng naman nasa utak nyo at nasa puso nyo eh… akala nyo money lng ang sagot sa lahat nang kailangan nang tao eh..

  1. I agree with all of your opinions – except for Filipinos being lazy. In my humble opinion, the reason why a lot of people like Filipinos as their employees is because of our work ethic.

    Nice article. Keep up the good work!

    And yeah, we really do need to change the concept of "Filipino Time."

  2. these are true sana mabuksan ang utak natin at maintindihan ang mabuhay ng walang sagabal sa buhay isa pa ang filipino ay karamihan reliyoso but very unholy kong mag mura halos mamatay na ang minumura. Kailan kaya tayo maging karapatdapat sa ating bansa mahal ko ang Pilipinas pero naiinis ako sa ugali ng pinoy ito ang malaking sagabal sa ating pag unlad. In Jesus name baguhin mo po ang ugali namin. Amen

    • then start to teach and inspire people dito sa pinas.. this article will not change people instantly you need to guide them. Hinde ito mababasa nang isang common na pilipino itong article na to.. let this be an inspiration to all of you OFW's to help change the mindset of pinoys, money is not enough

  3. its a direct hit!!! aminin man ntin o hindi ay totoo.kung ikaw ay nasa parte ng middle class o sa mas mababa pang antas ng lipunan d mo na kailangang obserbahan para makita mo…kusa na itong bubulaga sa mata mo..

  4. its a direct hit!!!!!! nakakahiya mang aminin pro totoo,,kung ikaw ay nasa middle class o mas mababa pang antas ng lipunan ay di mo na kailangang obserbahan pa ang mga ito pra makita mo,,kusa nang makikita ng mata mo..nakakalungkot na may mga magaganda tayong kaugalian pro prang wla pa sa 10% ng populasyon ang tlagang gumagawa n2 ung iba prang pakitang tao lng..

  5. wow! I don't think fiilpino is the only human who always did this, I know other, some other community in other countries are doing this too, it's not only FILIPINO, not all pinoy is just like that!

  6. wow! I don't think fiilpino is the only human who always did this, I know other, some other community in other countries are doing this too, it's not only FILIPINO, not all pinoy is just like that!

  7. Whatever you say Sir but not in general. Huwag mong lahatin ang mga Pinoy. For 10 years in the middle east and 11 years in Northern America, other nationalities are far worse than ours, believe me cause I have experienced and seen it. But still I am proud to say that we filipinos are no.1 on the top 5 list as the happiest people on the planet.

  8. Whatever you say Sir but not in general. Huwag mong lahatin ang mga Pinoy. For 10 years in the middle east and 11 years in Northern America, other nationalities are far worse than ours, believe me cause I have experienced and seen it. But still I am proud to say that we filipinos are no.1 on the top 5 list as the happiest people on the planet.

  9. It is ourselves who make our own life, if you choose to live with these bad habits your life will be like a worm crawling but if you live with positive things you will be like a bird soaring up… Life depends us how we make it.

  10. It is ourselves who make our own life, if you choose to live with these bad habits your life will be like a worm crawling but if you live with positive things you will be like a bird soaring up… Life depends us how we make it.

  11. ANG SAKIN LANG MARAMING PARIN GOOD THINGS ANG MGA PINOY.. About sa time na laging late mas mern parin ibang countries malubha pa sa ating mga pinoy. mas marami din mga ibang nationality ang mas tamad pa sa pinoy infact ang pinoy kapg napunta sa ibang bansa bkt madalas sinasabi ng taga ibang bansa filipinos are very hardworking… pero This article is also good also wake up the mind of the readers that this is the real happening in the culture of filipinos. We just need to improve those negative thought…

    • so true that Filipino's are known as "hardworking people" when they are abroad. We really need to… so many nationality competing for the position.. we need to show others that we are better!The sad part is.. most( not all) of the Filipinos in the country really do possess the qualities the writer mentioned.. If only we can Correct these negative attitudes then maybe.. we find progress in our country.

  12. ANG SAKIN LANG MARAMING PARIN GOOD THINGS ANG MGA PINOY.. About sa time na laging late mas mern parin ibang countries malubha pa sa ating mga pinoy. mas marami din mga ibang nationality ang mas tamad pa sa pinoy infact ang pinoy kapg napunta sa ibang bansa bkt madalas sinasabi ng taga ibang bansa filipinos are very hardworking… pero This article is also good also wake up the mind of the readers that this is the real happening in the culture of filipinos. We just need to improve those negative thought…

    • so true that Filipino's are known as "hardworking people" when they are abroad. We really need to… so many nationality competing for the position.. we need to show others that we are better!The sad part is.. most( not all) of the Filipinos in the country really do possess the qualities the writer mentioned.. If only we can Correct these negative attitudes then maybe.. we find progress in our country.

  13. What I want to see is the removal of basically two traits 1) The mind set that one can get away from something having done, as exemplified by our propensity of breaking traffic rules when driving in the Philippines because we can bribe the traffic enforcers, while dutifully obeying the same rules when driving abroad and, 2) Palusot System. I think the weaning away of these two traits from Filipinos' mindset can go a long way to improve our society. Mind you, criminals will have second thought of committing crimes if they know that they can't get away with it! The second will immensely improve anything substandard in what we do(Hindi na pwede ang "pwede na yan").

  14. What I want to see is the removal of basically two traits 1) The mind set that one can get away from something having done, as exemplified by our propensity of breaking traffic rules when driving in the Philippines because we can bribe the traffic enforcers, while dutifully obeying the same rules when driving abroad and, 2) Palusot System. I think the weaning away of these two traits from Filipinos' mindset can go a long way to improve our society. Mind you, criminals will have second thought of committing crimes if they know that they can't get away with it! The second will immensely improve anything substandard in what we do(Hindi na pwede ang "pwede na yan").

  15. these things are not new to us…they do happen in reality.BUT i do believe that every nationality/nation has its own flaws…but they are more silent abt it, (are they doing something to solve it? maybe)…it’s good to read it posted, but to whether this knowledge (of our bad habits/attitudes )would improve us, that’s one thing i’m not so sure of…sO, who would admit he’s guilty anyway?you?oh common….let’s just be s……… and DO our part to make our country a better society to live in…

  16. May I add as No. 18… If someone tries to correct our behavior, instead of looking for the positives reasons, and trying to analyze ourselves, we tend to fight back and the first thought – revenge! IT IS A WAKE UP CALL FOR ALL OF US. IF YOU ARE NOT IN THE LIST, THEN, CONTAMINATE OTHERS! ALL RACES HAVE GOOD AND BAD POINTS – INDEED. BUT WE SHOULDN'T USE IT AS AN EXCUSE, INSTEAD, WALK AND START TO CHANGE YOUR WAYS… AT LEAST YOU STARTED TO CHANGE YOURSELF. GOD BLESS TO ALL!

    • kung pwede po sana ko magdagdag pang 19. Maraming Pilipino – hindi lahat – mas bukang bibig nila nang mga negative tungkol sa ating bansa at lahi, at ayaw manlang nila bigyang pansin o kaya namn bihira nila bigyang pansin ang mga magagandang bagay.(ex. sa mga tv news, 1 segment lang ang good news, bad news na lahat) kulang nalang maging negosyo na ang pangpupula sa Pinas. masisisi ba natin ang ibang lahi na mababa tingin nila satin. eh yan lagi ikinakalat nyo eh. sa salitang English nyo pa talaga sinasabi yan.kung ang intensyon nyo ay itama ang mga mali ng Pinoy, bakit ineng English nyo pa? ang totoo gusto nyo talaga ipahiya ang mga Pinoy! Kayo ang dapat mag bago mga UTAK KANLURAN! at bakit nga ba hanggang ngayon nakakabit parin sa Pinas ang salitang "3rd world country"? Hindi nyo ba alam, na naka base ang mga assessment ng ibang bansa sa kung ano ang tingin natin sa sarili natin. kung tayo mismo hindi naniniwala na maganda ang maging Pinoy, paano pa kaya sila? yun lang po. MABUHAY ANG LAHING PINOY!


  17. May I add as No. 18… If someone tries to correct our behavior, instead of looking for the positives reasons, and trying to analyze ourselves, we tend to fight back and the first thought – revenge! IT IS A WAKE UP CALL FOR ALL OF US. IF YOU ARE NOT IN THE LIST, THEN, CONTAMINATE OTHERS! ALL RACES HAVE GOOD AND BAD POINTS – INDEED. BUT WE SHOULDN'T USE IT AS AN EXCUSE, INSTEAD, WALK AND START TO CHANGE YOUR WAYS… AT LEAST YOU STARTED TO CHANGE YOURSELF. GOD BLESS TO ALL!

    • kung pwede po sana ko magdagdag pang 19. Maraming Pilipino – hindi lahat – mas bukang bibig nila nang mga negative tungkol sa ating bansa at lahi, at ayaw manlang nila bigyang pansin o kaya namn bihira nila bigyang pansin ang mga magagandang bagay.(ex. sa mga tv news, 1 segment lang ang good news, bad news na lahat) kulang nalang maging negosyo na ang pangpupula sa Pinas. masisisi ba natin ang ibang lahi na mababa tingin nila satin. eh yan lagi ikinakalat nyo eh. sa salitang English nyo pa talaga sinasabi yan.kung ang intensyon nyo ay itama ang mga mali ng Pinoy, bakit ineng English nyo pa? ang totoo gusto nyo talaga ipahiya ang mga Pinoy! Kayo ang dapat mag bago mga UTAK KANLURAN! at bakit nga ba hanggang ngayon nakakabit parin sa Pinas ang salitang "3rd world country"? Hindi nyo ba alam, na naka base ang mga assessment ng ibang bansa sa kung ano ang tingin natin sa sarili natin. kung tayo mismo hindi naniniwala na maganda ang maging Pinoy, paano pa kaya sila? yun lang po. MABUHAY ANG LAHING PINOY!


  18. Come on mga kababayan this are all the facts, admit it! He's just saying what our bad habits are which is so true and of course we have some good ones too… just don't get upset with the reality. Peace! 🙂

  19. Come on mga kababayan this are all the facts, admit it! He's just saying what our bad habits are which is so true and of course we have some good ones too… just don't get upset with the reality. Peace! 🙂

  20. Them traits are mere subjective generalization of Filipino acts and the only good thing I can perceive is the realization that these traits are real,.so that if you're "enjoying" some if not all of them,.then this publication becomes an awareness that will guide you to think twice as to the sustainability these traits will persevere in the pursuit of your future, taking of course into consideration your "conscience", if and whenever your mind is still dictated by such…

  21. Them traits are mere subjective generalization of Filipino acts and the only good thing I can perceive is the realization that these traits are real,.so that if you're "enjoying" some if not all of them,.then this publication becomes an awareness that will guide you to think twice as to the sustainability these traits will persevere in the pursuit of your future, taking of course into consideration your "conscience", if and whenever your mind is still dictated by such…

    • aral sa lahat ito na dapat baguhin sa buhay ng pinoy… hwag na lng i-share pa kasi malaking epekto ito sa lahi natin. dapat atin atin na lang ito kasi kawawa namn mga kababayan natin na matitino. Dpat sa Ingles na lng sana sinulat din ito. halimbawa, kung merong nakabasa nito at isa pang employer or investor sa atin imbes na kukunin tayo baka hindi na at kumuha na lng ng ibang lahi… kawawa namn mga kabataan natin na nagsisimula pa lang sa mga karera nila baka hindi matupad at lumipad… sana mag-ingat din sa ating pamamahayag hindi porke libre e sulat na lng tayo ng sulat… kaya ang kalayaan isang malaking tukso na dapat pag-ingatan.

    • aral sa lahat ito na dapat baguhin sa buhay ng pinoy… hwag na lng i-share pa kasi malaking epekto ito sa lahi natin. dapat atin atin na lang ito kasi kawawa namn mga kababayan natin na matitino. Dpat sa Ingles na lng sana sinulat din ito. halimbawa, kung merong nakabasa nito at isa pang employer or investor sa atin imbes na kukunin tayo baka hindi na at kumuha na lng ng ibang lahi… kawawa namn mga kabataan natin na nagsisimula pa lang sa mga karera nila baka hindi matupad at lumipad… sana mag-ingat din sa ating pamamahayag hindi porke libre e sulat na lng tayo ng sulat… kaya ang kalayaan isang malaking tukso na dapat pag-ingatan.

  22. aral sa lahat ito na dapat baguhin sa buhay ng pinoy… hwag na lng i-share pa kasi malaking epekto ito sa lahi natin. dapat atin atin na lang ito kasi kawawa namn mga kababayan natin na matitino. Dpat sa Ingles na lng sana sinulat din ito. halimbawa, kung merong nakabasa nito at isa pang employer or investor sa atin imbes na kukunin tayo baka hindi na at kumuha na lng ng ibang lahi… kawawa namn mga kabataan natin na nagsisimula pa lang sa mga karera nila baka hindi matupad at lumipad… sana mga ingat din sa ating pamamahayag hindi porke libre e sulat na lng tayo ng sulat… kaya ang kalayaan isang malaking tukso na dapat pag-ingatan.

  23. kung pwede po sana ko magdagdag pang 19. Maraming Pilipino – hindi lahat – mas bukang bibig nila nang mga negative tungkol sa ating bansa at lahi, at ayaw manlang nila bigyang pansin o kaya namn bihira nila bigyang pansin ang mga magagandang bagay.(ex. sa mga tv news, 1 segment lang ang good news, bad news na lahat) kulang nalang maging negosyo na ang pangpupula sa Pinas. masisisi ba natin ang ibang lahi na mababa tingin nila satin. eh yan lagi ikinakalat nyo eh. sa salitang English nyo pa talaga sinasabi yan.kung ang intensyon nyo ay itama ang mga mali ng Pinoy, bakit ineng English nyo pa? ang totoo gusto nyo talaga ipahiya ang mga Pinoy! Kayo ang dapat mag bago mga UTAK KANLURAN! at bakit nga ba hanggang ngayon nakakabit parin sa Pinas ang salitang "3rd world country"? Hindi nyo ba alam, na naka base ang mga assessment ng ibang bansa sa kung ano ang tingin natin sa sarili natin. kung tayo mismo hindi naniniwala na maganda ang maging Pinoy, paano pa kaya sila? yun lang po. MABUHAY ANG LAHING PINOY!

  24. kung pwede po sana ko magdagdag pang 19. Maraming Pilipino – hindi lahat – mas bukang bibig nila nang mga negative tungkol sa ating bansa at lahi, at ayaw manlang nila bigyang pansin o kaya namn bihira nila bigyang pansin ang mga magagandang bagay.(ex. sa mga tv news, 1 segment lang ang good news, bad news na lahat) kulang nalang maging negosyo na ang pangpupula sa Pinas. masisisi ba natin ang ibang lahi na mababa tingin nila satin. eh yan lagi ikinakalat nyo eh. sa salitang English nyo pa talaga sinasabi yan.kung ang intensyon nyo ay itama ang mga mali ng Pinoy, bakit ineng English nyo pa? ang totoo gusto nyo talaga ipahiya ang mga Pinoy! Kayo ang dapat mag bago mga UTAK KANLURAN! at bakit nga ba hanggang ngayon nakakabit parin sa Pinas ang salitang "3rd world country"? Hindi nyo ba alam, na naka base ang mga assessment ng ibang bansa sa kung ano ang tingin natin sa sarili natin. kung tayo mismo hindi naniniwala na maganda ang maging Pinoy, paano pa kaya sila? yun lang po. MABUHAY ANG LAHING PINOY!

  25. True… but what good is this? tell us something we don't know.. Why not write " 17 thing or tips for Filipinos to be successful"? That way it would be received as constructive criticism rather than negative.. I guess the author wants to challenge us to better ourselves as Filipinos.. That's good intention.. hopefully it will have a positive effect and not the other way around. Anyway its a good article.. And if all of you want to feel better about being a Filipino just click the hyper link which reads "many things we can be proud of as Filipinos." Good day. 🙂

  26. True… but what good is this? tell us something we don't know.. Why not write " 17 thing or tips for Filipinos to be successful"? That way it would be received as constructive criticism rather than negative.. I guess the author wants to challenge us to better ourselves as Filipinos.. That's good intention.. hopefully it will have a positive effect and not the other way around. Anyway its a good article.. And if all of you want to feel better about being a Filipino just click the hyper link which reads "many things we can be proud of as Filipinos." Good day. 🙂

  27. Hay nako, you guys have so many complains and very defensive everything naman is true walang hindi tama dyan, lahat totoo! Like I said, he is just saying, he's not complaining. Oh my… you know who's guilty in this case, really hard to face the truth! Be cool! 😀

  28. Hay nako, you guys have so many complains and very defensive everything naman is true walang hindi tama dyan, lahat totoo! Like I said, he is just saying, he's not complaining. Oh my… you know who's guilty in this case, really hard to face the truth! Be cool! 😀

    • lahat ng nationality may ganyang attitude, Filipino lang ba dapat ang mag bago? dapat lahat ng lahi na ganito ang attitude magbago. wag nyong idikit lang ito sa aming mga Pilipino. Lahat may baho din.karamihan nga dyan namana lang natin sa kanila eh.

    • lahat ng nationality may ganyang attitude, Filipino lang ba dapat ang mag bago? dapat lahat ng lahi na ganito ang attitude magbago. wag nyong idikit lang ito sa aming mga Pilipino. Lahat may baho din.karamihan nga dyan namana lang natin sa kanila eh.

  29. Ay nako lahat tayo may mga bad sides as Pinoys but basically…Pinoys are better off compared to other races..but lets not talk other people…comparing ourselves to other races.would lead us to to be vained and desiderata puts it'' dont compare your self with others because wether you like it or not there are always greater and lesser person than you are..Pinoys like the rest citizens of the world are working hard to be excellent and competitive in many fields.In fact,so many have already been recognized in their chosen fields in positive ways…really am proud to be a Filipino…Mabuhay ang Pinoy and lets set aside our negative thoughts and crab mentality..Woo to fellow Filipinos who damn their own race are not worth dying for.

  30. I agree, I think we got all these from the influence of different cultures who invaded us centuries ago. Anyway, we are also ready to change for the better, it takes proper education and our Christian faith. I found out that some nationalities have even worst attitude and culture than us.

  31. Whatever you say Sir but not in general. Huwag mong lahatin ang mga Pinoy. For 10 years in the middle east and 11 years in Northern America, other nationalities are far worse than ours, believe me cause I have experienced and seen it. But still I am proud to say that we filipinos are no.1 on the top 5 list as the happiest people on the planet.

  32. ANG SAKIN LANG MARAMING PARIN GOOD THINGS ANG MGA PINOY.. About sa time na laging late mas mern parin ibang countries malubha pa sa ating mga pinoy. mas marami din mga ibang nationality ang mas tamad pa sa pinoy infact ang pinoy kapg napunta sa ibang bansa bkt madalas sinasabi ng taga ibang bansa filipinos are very hardworking… pero This article is also good also wake up the mind of the readers that this is the real happening in the culture of filipinos. We just need to improve those negative thought…

    • so true that Filipino’s are known as “hardworking people” when they are abroad. We really need to… so many nationality competing for the position.. we need to show others that we are better!The sad part is.. most( not all) of the Filipinos in the country really do possess the qualities the writer mentioned.. If only we can Correct these negative attitudes then maybe.. we find progress in our country.

  33. What I want to see is the removal of basically two traits 1) The mind set that one can get away from something having done, as exemplified by our propensity of breaking traffic rules when driving in the Philippines because we can bribe the traffic enforcers, while dutifully obeying the same rules when driving abroad and, 2) Palusot System. I think the weaning away of these two traits from Filipinos’ mindset can go a long way to improve our society. Mind you, criminals will have second thought of committing crimes if they know that they can’t get away with it! The second will immensely improve anything substandard in what we do(Hindi na pwede ang “pwede na yan”).

  34. May I add as No. 18… If someone tries to correct our behavior, instead of looking for the positives reasons, and trying to analyze ourselves, we tend to fight back and the first thought – revenge! IT IS A WAKE UP CALL FOR ALL OF US. IF YOU ARE NOT IN THE LIST, THEN, CONTAMINATE OTHERS! ALL RACES HAVE GOOD AND BAD POINTS – INDEED. BUT WE SHOULDN’T USE IT AS AN EXCUSE, INSTEAD, WALK AND START TO CHANGE YOUR WAYS… AT LEAST YOU STARTED TO CHANGE YOURSELF. GOD BLESS TO ALL!

    • kung pwede po sana ko magdagdag pang 19. Maraming Pilipino – hindi lahat – mas bukang bibig nila nang mga negative tungkol sa ating bansa at lahi, at ayaw manlang nila bigyang pansin o kaya namn bihira nila bigyang pansin ang mga magagandang bagay.(ex. sa mga tv news, 1 segment lang ang good news, bad news na lahat) kulang nalang maging negosyo na ang pangpupula sa Pinas. masisisi ba natin ang ibang lahi na mababa tingin nila satin. eh yan lagi ikinakalat nyo eh. sa salitang English nyo pa talaga sinasabi yan.kung ang intensyon nyo ay itama ang mga mali ng Pinoy, bakit ineng English nyo pa? ang totoo gusto nyo talaga ipahiya ang mga Pinoy! Kayo ang dapat mag bago mga UTAK KANLURAN! at bakit nga ba hanggang ngayon nakakabit parin sa Pinas ang salitang “3rd world country”? Hindi nyo ba alam, na naka base ang mga assessment ng ibang bansa sa kung ano ang tingin natin sa sarili natin. kung tayo mismo hindi naniniwala na maganda ang maging Pinoy, paano pa kaya sila? yun lang po. MABUHAY ANG LAHING PINOY!


    • Jesusa Estanislao ang sinasabi ko lang nman po eh dapat bigyan din ng pansin ang mga magagandang bagay tungkol sa pinoy, at ang sinasabihan ko po na magtagalog e yung nagsukat ng article of bad comments sa mga pinoy… kung may napapansin kayong negatibo sa mga kalaho nyo, dapat satin satin nalng,kagaya ng sabi mo ang buong bansa ang naapektuhan. mag ingat din sana tayo sa mga sinusulat natin lalo na kung naiintindihan ng ibang lahi.

  35. Them traits are mere subjective generalization of Filipino acts and the only good thing I can perceive is the realization that these traits are real,.so that if you’re “enjoying” some if not all of them,.then this publication becomes an awareness that will guide you to think twice as to the sustainability these traits will persevere in the pursuit of your future, taking of course into consideration your “conscience”, if and whenever your mind is still dictated by such…

    • aral sa lahat ito na dapat baguhin sa buhay ng pinoy… hwag na lng i-share pa kasi malaking epekto ito sa lahi natin. dapat atin atin na lang ito kasi kawawa namn mga kababayan natin na matitino. Dpat sa Ingles na lng sana sinulat din ito. halimbawa, kung merong nakabasa nito at isa pang employer or investor sa atin imbes na kukunin tayo baka hindi na at kumuha na lng ng ibang lahi… kawawa namn mga kabataan natin na nagsisimula pa lang sa mga karera nila baka hindi matupad at lumipad… sana mag-ingat din sa ating pamamahayag hindi porke libre e sulat na lng tayo ng sulat… kaya ang kalayaan isang malaking tukso na dapat pag-ingatan.

    • agree talaga ako don sa mga nabanggit na mga neg qualities nating mga pinoy kasi isa ako don sa ilan eh..onion skin. sa ating mga pinoy di talaga pwede ung magtatalo ng walang sasama ang loob,at take note,sa sobrang sama ng loob napupunta ito sa pananakit…ang mga hudyo,nagsisigawan nat lahat sa mukha pa mismo..pero after 5 mins oki na sila parang walang nangyari. mahirap po talaga minsan satin tumanggap ng kamalian lalo nat alam mong pinagbutihan mo ang isang bagay tas pag pinuna na mali parang insulto satin…kinaklaro ko lang po hinde naman lahat,pero majority po talaga aminin niyo ma o hinde…

  36. kung pwede po sana ko magdagdag pang 19. Maraming Pilipino – hindi lahat – mas bukang bibig nila nang mga negative tungkol sa ating bansa at lahi, at ayaw manlang nila bigyang pansin o kaya namn bihira nila bigyang pansin ang mga magagandang bagay.(ex. sa mga tv news, 1 segment lang ang good news, bad news na lahat) kulang nalang maging negosyo na ang pangpupula sa Pinas. masisisi ba natin ang ibang lahi na mababa tingin nila satin. eh yan lagi ikinakalat nyo eh. sa salitang English nyo pa talaga sinasabi yan.kung ang intensyon nyo ay itama ang mga mali ng Pinoy, bakit ineng English nyo pa? ang totoo gusto nyo talaga ipahiya ang mga Pinoy! Kayo ang dapat mag bago mga UTAK KANLURAN! at bakit nga ba hanggang ngayon nakakabit parin sa Pinas ang salitang “3rd world country”? Hindi nyo ba alam, na naka base ang mga assessment ng ibang bansa sa kung ano ang tingin natin sa sarili natin. kung tayo mismo hindi naniniwala na maganda ang maging Pinoy, paano pa kaya sila? yun lang po. MABUHAY ANG LAHING PINOY!

  37. True… but what good is this? tell us something we don’t know.. Why not write ” 17 thing or tips for Filipinos to be successful”? That way it would be received as constructive criticism rather than negative.. I guess the author wants to challenge us to better ourselves as Filipinos.. That’s good intention.. hopefully it will have a positive effect and not the other way around. Anyway its a good article.. And if all of you want to feel better about being a Filipino just click the hyper link which reads “many things we can be proud of as Filipinos.” Good day. 🙂

  38. Hay, ang OA naman mag react nung iba. Sinabi naman nung writer na HINDI LAHAT ng Pinoy. Be realistic naman. I think the writer wanted us to know what really happens in reality & didn’t intend to burst our bubble or to break our very fragile egos. The problem with us, we always take things very personally! Onion skinned nga oh…hehe. We are always in denial. Totoo naman yung mga sinabi nya at kung aayusin lang natin pagiisip natin, it serves as an EYE OPENER. Huwag na nating pagtakpan yung negatives sa atin. The more we cover it, the more na nagmumukha tayong ipokrito. Pakatotoo lang.

  39. I put it on my table aware of it this number 13 list “preebies hunters” yes it is true I accept in reality on illegal connections because I have an experience we live in shanty and many part in squatter area but the bases why they should do that? our leader insufficiently lock of attention. our economic growth down line conflicting personal interest first before generating the source become short distribution towards development of the society. but I still believe and hope the list will change to be efficient and top.

  40. We always emphasize the negative rather than the positive. Just listen to our daily news. In life there will always be good things and bad things. Let us point to the good things for others to emulate and be motivated; rather than wail upon the bad things and shame us to action.

  41. We always emphasize the negative rather than the positive. Just listen to our daily news. In life there will always be good things and bad things. Let us point to the good things for others to emulate and be motivated; rather than wail upon the bad things and shame us to action.

  42. Its good to know all of these. Though i don’t have all of these bad habits and attitudes (Yes, I am guilty with few here), but I want to be changed. And how I wish i could change others too. I am an OFW and I really don’t know how to respond to my FB friends sending me a personal message like “send the christmas presents through LBC, ok?”, etc…. (#17, #13). until now i don’t reply them. I don’t know how to explain to them that i can’t send for now because i have problems. But i don’t think its good to let them know because it’s personal. I also don’t know how to formulate a humorous reply. (sigh)
    I also want to say this. #4 and additionals- social climbers. A lot of my friends post pictures of almost all the things they have especially if its new or the latest like its too bragging. or check-in in FB posts to places that maybe “sosyal/high society, etc”. really, does everyone need to know what you have or where have you been? so silly!even sharing personal or to intimate facts…. hahahahaha…

  43. i’ll add this too No. 20

    Maling pag.gamit ng “PINOY PRIDE” …
    kayo nlng bahala mag.lista ng maling paggamit ng pride,
    minsan nakakasawa na pakinggan o panuorin …
    kumbaga overused na ung term … minsan di natin nakikita
    sa mga mata ng ibang lahi, negative na pala …
    and that gives them more negative feedback on our race …

    tapos later mag.proprovoke sila idaan sa message, then we do
    fight back, tsismis, siraan yung tao, cyber bullying, etc. kesa
    naman aalis at wag ng makisawsaw o lumevel sa kanila …

    speaking of siraan ung tao, another example with this yung nangyari
    kay Korina Sanchez, kung talagang masamng tao si Korina sa likod ng
    camera (as gossip says) ng dahil lang sa isang pagkakamali na
    magbigay kritiko kay Mr. Cooper, tama bang i.bulgar sa social media
    ang lahat ng baho / personal information ni Korina ?

  44. All the bad habits mentioned are so true. May I add also that most Filipinos they don’t realized who and what they are. They tend to undermind disadavantage people that instead of helping them they put you down; If they have nice house they think they are rich and wonderful. Are they really?

  45. From what you have written as you said A lot of that actually happens in other countries, I can well see you are very agitated to the time and appointment schedules, it has really effected you, this is because as an OFW you have learned the true aspect of timeliness, something that does not exist in the Philippines. People here just have no real schedule, it is ok here to be 20 minutes to an hour late for work, its ok to take a 2 hour lunch, when working abroad actions like this will cause you to lose your job no matter what the excuse is.

    The real problem is Filipinos think working abroad is easier, better, their intelligence on this is that more money is made easier abroad. I hear this a lot here in the Philippines, you cant have anything successful here, a business will not support a family here. is this true NO and another misconception is you do not need 5 million pesos of capitol to open a 12 foot by 12 foot sari sari. It is called a budget Filipinos, a business budget, and this budget does not include trips to the local cock arena, or 12 day drinking benges paying for all your friends to eat and drink, or trips to the big city to spend money on anything and everything you see. You do not need 12 people to do the work of 1 person, while that 1 person is YOU. The more you do the less you have to pay for employees who are looking to steal from you, take advantage of you, and get everything they can out of you before you finally fail. The theory a lot of abroad businesses use is if you want something fdone right and complete DO IT YOURSELF. you do not need a maid a nanny, a grass cutter to do your yard and household work. And the less you try and make it well known about what you have and how business like youare the more business like you will appear in the public. Don’t start a business because you want people to se what you have and what you do, doing this will attract only the wrong kind of attention, if you concentrate on the business, and not how you look to the public, the fame you desire will come with the authentic success of that business.

    My wife and I opened a business with 175 dollars and sold it 2 years later for 35,000 dollars. It did NOT take millions in capitol to do this, it took 3 years of hard work, sometimes 32 hours straight with no sleep, it took doing exactly what we promised to our customers and sometimes more. It took long hours of budgeting our time between business and home life, It took every ounce of energy we had, It did not take money, it took work ethics and persistence.

    The Philippines is a great country full of opportunity that the Filipinos can not see, if most of them spent 10% of the time trying to make a successful life here in the Philippines as they do on getting out of their “crappy home town” they would see quite quickly they have the ability to NOT be the third world country they are.

  46. Something good the Bayanihan.
    Today, the Filipinos’ tradition of helping each other with all that they can is impressively exemplified not just within the nation but also throughout the world, as people from all walks of life continue to contribute to the efforts to aid and rebuild this nation.

  47. Ma a shame nman kayo sa sarili nyo…..lahat ng sinasabi nyo….tungkol sa bad habit ng filipino, lahat ng bansa may ganyan….at lahat yan ay para sa mga filipino n nag comment…..din….. wag nyo pong ilahat ng filipino….I hope you’ll realize that no one is perfect in these world….God Bless sa mga taong hindi nag iisip n filipino rin sila…..

  48. These traits are present in all society and not only to Philippine society. This editorial is racist. the writer is a hater of own race and want to paint a bad picture of who and what Filipinos really are. These traits are product of colonization and christianization is not inherent to Filipinos. These are catholic traits not Filipino traits

  49. This is all true and it even lacks a lot more. I have read all the comments down here and I see that some agree and some got upset. I guess everyone knows that the truth always hurts and this is maybe the reason why some got a bit upset.What this article says is merely trying to open everyone’s eyes. I have seen lots of OFW’s coming home and a bunch of family, relatives, neighbors would come pick them up at the airport. It just makes me wonder why. I also have seen foreign friends invite just one person over lunch for a business meeting and the whole family comes along not even thinking if the foreigner is ready with cash for the food they ordered. I find this quite inconsiderate.I mean, if you are the foreigner and this happens to you, would you be happy about that? There are OFW’s doing things that is against their will just to earn more money because their relatives here instead of investing the money would waste them all, shopping endlessly, partying, buying drugs, and so on and so forth. It is really sad to think about all these things. I do hope this article helps each and everyone to start making changes in their lives. There is no harm in trying after all.

  50. #1, As long as you don’t do Karaoke every month. Once, twice or thrice a year is okay, it is called COURTESY. You only celebrate your birthday once a year. Not because you don’t sing in Karaoke, it means that none of your neighbors can sing in Karaoke, I’m sorry, it doesn’t work that way. That’s our culture, we Filipinos love singing even if we don’t have nice voices.

    P.S. Singing should not be done during weekdays. ^_^

  51. Due to limited resources, excessive population, and strong family values, Filipinos suffer greatly from the lack of reward. When they put forth great effort, little reward awaits them. Eventually, they tend to believe that there is no reward, and nothing to shoot for asides from getting out of dodge. My goal is to build a more rewarding community. If a child picks up all the trash on the street for me, I’ll give him a small amount of money, but more so, I will spend a lot of time with him, trying to build his faith into things. Telling him to find something he desires to learn, and become what he wants to be. Help him to realize the joy and satisfaction of imagination, even if we are poor. I will pray often with the girl that I love, and i will give work to those who need it, while teaching them about imagination and inspiration. Filipinos do not lack knowledge, but they do lack imagination SEVERELY. They find it impossible to make dreams come true unless someone does it for them. As I am actually the opposite in this regards, I will let this part of my spirit influence the country heavily while i am here. Filipinos have the power of embracing, and embracing children especially. Unity should be a goal, as it truly is imaginable, and possible for this country, unlike so many others. The Philippines is the most likely country to teach the world how to face the problem of population, and domestic problems effectively, if they just allow themselves to find more contentment in the lack of reward, by rewarding THEMSELVES WITH A GREATER IMAGINATION.

  52. May kulang pa dito, “too much pride” or sometiemes sa daming problema ng ating bansa the media is trying ti divert our attention. News nakng abiut filipinos na sumikat abroad and they use the words “pinoy pride” sometimes naka inis isipin yung ibang pinoy proud to say that but in realiti dami naman hindi maayos sa bansa natin daming mahirap, is that a pride???

  53. This isn’t gonna do anything but piss off almost every filipino, I’ve been living here for 12 years and one thing I’ve learned is never tell a filipino what you don’t like about them, they won’t take it, no matter how you meant it, they will end up hating you for it

  54. Yes… i agree… thats why most of Filipino People are POOR!… because of a poor ideas, about this topics on how they change their life? if they didn’t change on what they’re doing… just like more Filipino’s looking for a good lifestyle in the future, but in the present time they didn’t look for a good opportunity’s or even to add more activities / ideas… that can help them to manage their Family’s, Work, or in a Business… but the bad of all is they’re only make more Babies/Kids but they can’t gives/afford the needs

  55. Hey hey hey wait a minute here. Why don’t you state why do we have to change? Real FIlipinos don’t see them as negative. Be fair naman. Just because you’ve seen how other countries behave, it doesn’t mean they are right and we all have to follow them.

    I see it as rules. You don’t just change the rules which we have lived our whole lives. If you want to play with their rules then why don’t you play in thier turf? (I guess you really can’t wait to.)

    Why didn’t you add #18… Complaining complaining complaining??? Is it because you don’t want to get hit by the stone you just threw?

    State your objective. Why do we have to change? Do we want to be like Americans or Europeans? Is it really necessary?

    Filipinos are already happy being Filipinos. You can see it even in the middle of a tragedy but yet somehow somebody just want Filipinos to change the way they look at life. If you really want to change Filipinos for the better, challenging their ego is not the way to do it. Filipinos are stubborn, but Filipinos live by the rules, their own rules.

  56. its individuals have different traits and attitudes,, the worse is some of filipinos they making it as regular habit,, which is possible to change it,, but what ever its is,, there is a positive and negative side of it,, only we can do is how to handle it,,, its in the person who have it,, well for me,, i really love who I am,,, filipinos are the best among the rest,, hospitality portion filipinos are the best,,,

  57. Seriously, I find it very amusing almost all of these traits are not confined to just Filipino Culture rather they are very bad habit none the less. If you sulked with what the writer had done, you were not thinking – here’s how you react (suggestive): pause, breath, examine, confine, then find answers why.. If you see it is one of your traits, just admit, move forward, then if you could change, good. See, it doesn’t hurt when you think logically

  58. These are generally true and familiar observation. This is the result of being colonized and oppressed by Spain. When we got our freedom, we got it without assuming responsibility. The worst social cancer plaguing the country is corruption and “blind” political patronage.

  59. mabait mga pinoy,kung sa mabait,yun nga lang minsan umiiral katigasan ng ulo at pinpilit ang bagay na mali,at minsan o kadalasan ay nasisira sa pera,gagastusin ang pera kahit di sa kanya at ang isang pagkakamali ng isang kaanak o kaibigan na alam nating mali dapat payuhan at di dapat ayunan,sarili kong opinyon at walang personalan

  60. kung mensan yong mga inasal natin na pulit-ulit na ginagawa ,walang pumupuna sa halip ay ginagaya, this will become an accepted form behavior and automatically part of our cultures. this is what happened,one of our friends is married to an italian, his first visit in the philippines was to attend a mother in law’s funeral while he was still in the airport he wasalready disgusted one was pretending to help them carry the baggage instead asking for a pay. he protested because he did not ask for help but his wife calmed him down and gave the money. when they reached home marami nang mga kapit bahay akala niya naglalamay pero nagantay lang pala ng pasalubong sa gabi naman maraming naglalamay yon pala naglalaro ng baraha nagsusugal may lebre snack pa, may nagiinuman. . for nine days…at his return to italy i asked him how is the phillipines, he responded it was very terriblle. the philippines is good but the people’s behaviors no. marami siyang tanong na nais niyang sagutin ko. one of his questions is,bakit kailangan siyam na araw bago ilibing ang patay pagod at gastos lang dahil may pakain at pamerinda ang sagot ko kahit hindi makatwiran pero kabahagi kasi ito ng kulturang pinoy……. pag alam nilang nagaabroad ka kahit hindi kamaganak nanghihingi ang pasalubong. ang sagot ko.. isa sa nasanayang ugali ng pinoy. even if he has a lot of negative comments against pinoy’s bad habits, i think he is telling the truth. kahit saang sulok sa mundo basta may pinoy is always a pinoy…

  61. kung mensan yong mga inasal natin na pulit-ulit na ginagawa ,walang pumupuna sa halip ay ginagaya, this will become an accepted form behavior and automatically become part of our cultures. this is what happened….,one of our friends is married to an italian, his first visit in the philippines was to attend a mother in law’s funeral while he was still in the airport he wasalready disgusted one was pretending to help them carry the baggage instead asking for a pay. he protested because he did not ask for help but his wife calmed him down and gave the money. when they reached home marami nang mga kapit bahay akala niya naglalamay pero nagantay lang pala ng pasalubong sa gabi naman maraming naglalamay yon pala naglalaro ng baraha nagsusugal may lebre snack pa, may nagiinuman. . for nine days…at his return to italy i asked him how is the phillipines, he responded it was very terriblle. the philippines is good but the people’s behaviors no. marami siyang tanong na nais niyang sagutin ko. one of his questions is…,bakit kailangan siyam na araw bago ilibing ang patay pagod at gastos lang dahil may pakain at pamerinda ang sagot ko kahit hindi makatwiran pero kabahagi kasi ito ng kulturang pinoy……. pag alam nilang nagaabroad ka kahit hindi kamaganak nanghihingi ang pasalubong. ang sagot ko.. isa sa nasanayang ugali ng pinoy. even if he has a lot of negative comments against pinoy’s bad habits, i think he is telling the truth. kahit saang sulok sa mundo basta may pinoy is always a pinoy…

  62. And do you think anything you have written will be taken on board? Do you think anything will ever change? Only when all the graft and corruption is stamped out, and people stop trying to get something for nothing or hoping on false promises from politicians, will the Philippines start to change. Please also tell me why is it that when you give a Filipino a good job they start well and then over time performance drops. They are late and become generally lazy, and they start thinking that as an employer you somehow now owe them a living for doing nothing.

  63. What about false pride? Whenever foreign celebrities with Pinoy blood becomes known in the industry, we Filipinos immediately claim them as our own. We say, “Pinoy si _______” though in reality, they don’t know anything about the country, nor the culture, except, maybe, adobo & balut. Or when a (full-blooded) Filipino does become famous (e.g. in youtube), you see comments like, “Proud to be Pinoy,” plus a number of word wars against other nationalities on the side.

  64. I was thinking of putting the pen to paper and creating a list of 17 bad habits and attitudes that Americans need to change but I don’t think 17 would knock the dust off of the topic so I will give the Filipinos a pat on the back for holding it to a mere 17, I moved to the Philippines from the US in 2013 retiring from a highly stressful career and I have noticed that with having so much self discipline comes a high level of stress to keep ones’ self on the straight and narrow, here stress is almost non-exist ant and in my honest opinion the lack of it is refreshing.

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