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Step by Step Application for K-1 Fiancé(e) Visa

Commonly known as fiancé visa, K-1 is issued to the fiancé of US citizen. The visa allows the holder to enter the country and...
HomeMigrationCommon Immigration Myths in America

Common Immigration Myths in America

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Not everything you hear about moving to America is true. Some people get more than they expect while others might be surprised that situations are not always as good as they imagined. Even the information that people read on the internet or hear from Americans is not as accurate compared to actually living in the United States. Here are the common myths.

Migrating to America is so difficult which is why most people enter illegally.

Although America remains as one of the top countries where people intend to enter and reside in illegally, the majority of immigrants actually go through the lawful process. There are over 31 million immigrants in the United States with over 65% being legal residents or citizens. Even half of the ones who are currently considered illegal entered the country through lawful means but allowed their documents to expire.

Immigrants refuse to learn English.

Even though the majority of immigrants speak their main language at home, two-thirds of individuals older than five years old speak English excellently. Thousands are also requesting for special lessons or courses to enhance their skills in English. Regardless of the place of origin, immigrants make it a point to master English.

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Immigrants do not like to become “Americanized”.

About half a million immigrants are granted citizenship status each year in the United States. The speed of assimilation is much faster in current times compared to how immigrants adjusted two generations ago. Mass media, education, the internet, and job requirements are just some of the factors that encourage people to adjust faster to the environment. Becoming Americanized does not intimidate most immigrants considering how many maintain traditional beliefs and practices.


Photo credit: portlandmonthlymag.com
Photo credit: portlandmonthlymag.com

The United States is stricter in admitting immigrants because of the huge influx.

The biggest migration to the United States actually occurred in 1900 when foreign-born individuals comprised almost 20% of the total population. Today, about 12% is foreign-born. The recession also showed a decline in the total number of immigrants plus the government deported thousands of foreign-born parents since only their children have the right to stay in the country, being born in America and automatically becoming US citizens.

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Immigrants take jobs away from native-born citizens.

In fact, immigrants often fill jobs that native-born citizens are not willing to do, and they also create jobs by starting their own businesses.

There are thousands of foreign-born individuals who have become icons in their chosen industries. Many corporations actually hire individuals overseas after discovering their talent, experience, and educational background. Many of these immigrants are given special statuses or key positions since companies find them more qualified than local applicants.

Immigrants are a burden on social services

Immigrants pay taxes and contribute to the economy just like native-born citizens do, and they are also often not eligible for many social services.

Immigrants are not interested in becoming citizens

Many immigrants go through the process of becoming citizens and many are eager to participate in the political process and make their voices heard.

Knowing about these myths will help remove the fear and apprehension that potential migrants have when planning to move to the United States.

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