Domestic workers are, quite possibly, among the most underrated, overworked, and underpaid people in the labor force. Due to the nature of their jobs, learned by instinct and perfected by repetition, household helpers, nannies, or housekeepers, as they go by different titles, remain devoted to their field of work despite the risk of abuse, low pay, and extended time away from family.
But that’s not enough. Domestic workers are not only exposed to the daily grind of housework, but they are also in a delicate position of taking the high ground despite the odds stacked against them. Let’s examine the temptations that can lead to breaking the Ten Commandments domestic workers face daily.
You shall have no other gods before Me.
Some domestic workers who may have experienced the “luxuries of life” for the first time may find them overwhelming and irresistible. They can vary from jewelry, handbags, gadgets, or shoes. Indeed, they also deserve to look after themselves. Still, the danger of this sudden lifestyle change — treating and caring for themselves excessively could alter how they view things and become more materialistic.
Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy.
Perhaps aiming to make up for low income, some domestic helpers fail to acknowledge the need to balance life: enrich spiritual life, rest, and recreation. Instead, they spend days off- if afforded such a right- working on outlawed part-time jobs or engaging in small business. For a pittance, they risk their careers by exposing themselves to authorities who promptly charge them for labor violations.
Honor Your Father and Mother.
Domestic workers’ pay may be relatively smaller compared to other fields. However, since many of them are sole breadwinners, their contribution to the well-being of their families is still significant. Fed up with overwork and lack of rest, helpers may be tempted to vent their ire on their parents or other family members who ask for money to repair a dilapidated home, or pay for medical expenses or school requirements back home.
Thou shall not commit adultery.
Alone in a foreign land hounded by homesickness, some domestic helpers are lured into illicit relationships masquerading as a refuge for their lonely hearts. Even with husbands or wives and children back home, they could easily fall into this relationship breaker. In pursuit of more money and fueling their desire for material things, others are tempted to trade dignity with money by hooking up with wealthy ones.
Thou shall not kill.
Some domestic helpers loan money to finance emergencies or pay off debts used in securing jobs abroad. Although many would go to legal moneylenders such as banks or other financial institutions, others reach out to friends and even new acquaintances for money. But some borrowers renege on their (often verbal) agreements or unreasonable creditors, resulting in broken relationships and worse criminal offenses such as homicide or murder.
Thou shall not steal
This is the first and foremost temptation helpers face. Given their paltry pay, there is little doubt money is on top of the list. When given free rein on a limited budget to buy groceries or stuff at the market, helpers might be tempted not to return loose change or over declare the value of goods and pocket excess cash. While cleaning the bedroom, conspicuously placed small bills and coins could be a trap to set up to test honesty and integrity.
Thou shall not bear false witnesses against your neighbor.
Domestic workers, especially stay-in ones, are exposed to the private lives of their employers. From embarrassing habits at home to hidden misbehaviors, helpers witness their employers’ real personalities. So it doesn’t come as a surprise that they are tempted to gossip and exaggerate stories about bad employer conduct to friends and family, especially if they are subjected to unfair treatment from ungrateful employers.