Department of Agriculture

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The Department of Agriculture designated as the lead agency to boost farmers’ income and reduce poverty incidence in the rural sector through the Medium Term Philippine Development Plan (MTPDP). With its vision, “Prosperous rural communities, built on profitable farms that provide surplus for agro-industry and food security”.

With emphasis on agribusiness, the agriculture department will undertake two goals under the new economic blueprint of the Arroyo Administration.

GOAL 1: “Develop at least two million hectares of new land for agribusiness in order to contribute 2 million jobs targeted in 2010”

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  • Idle or marginal agricultural lands;
  • Offshore and inland bodies of water for aquaculture
  • New and existing agricultural areas which will be developed for intercropping with high value crops and raising of livestock, poultry and fish

GOAL 2: “Reduce costs of wage goods through productivity enhancement, more efficient logistics, and improved retailing linkages”

  • Production support to enhance farm and fishery productivity
  • Logistical support to raise distribution efficiency
  • Governance and institutional support to provide a policy and regulatory environment conducive to efficient production and distribution of agribusiness commodities.

The major task of the MTPDP is to fight poverty by building prosperity for the greatest number of the Filipino people. To ensure better quality of life, the country must open up economic opportunities, maintain socio-political stability, and promote good stewardship as well as focus on strategic measures and activities, aimed to spur economic growth and create jobs.

Attached Agencies and Corporations

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Agricultural Credit and Policy Council (ACPC)
Cotton Development Administration (CODA)
Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA)
Fiber Industry Development Authority (FIDA)
Livestock Development Council (LDC)
National Agricultural and Fishery Council (NAFC)
National Dairy Authority (NDA)
National Food Authority (NFA)
National Fisheries Research and Development Institute (NFRDI)
National Irrigation Administration (NIA)
National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS)
National Tobacco Administration (NTA)
Philippine Agricultural Development and Commercial Corporation (PADCC)
Philippine Carabao Center (PCC)
Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA)
Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation (PCIC)
Philippine Fisheries Development Authority (PFDA)
Philippine Rice Research Institute (Philrice)
Quedan Rural Credit and Guarantee Corporation (QUEDANCOR)
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC)
Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA)

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