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HomeMigrate to CanadaTop Reasons Why Your Canada Visa Application Is Rejected

Top Reasons Why Your Canada Visa Application Is Rejected

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Many Canada visa applications are turned down every year for different reasons. Especially when you’re planning to study in Canada, you have to be prepared and set your study options months in advance. Showing the details will encourage the proper agencies to grant you a visa. Here are some tips on how to increase your chances of getting approved.

1. You don’t have a sound plan

Start by coming up with a clear and specific study plan that will show the visa examiner that you truly intend to study in Canada and not merely grab a chance to migrate illegally. There are educational assistance programs that particularly cater to students who wish to study abroad such as Edukopolis. These programs will show the examiner the particular course you wish to take and your full educational background, showing how credible and qualified you are to apply for such visa.

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2. You’re broke

visa_rejectedYou should show that you can sustain yourself financially throughout the course of the educational program. If you intend to stay in Canada for six months or longer, your bank account should also show that you can afford the trip and other necessary and surprise expenses. Their government is generally worried about adding more people whom they need to take care of.

3. You’re not telling the truth

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If the visa examiner asks you a question, you have a better chance of getting approved if you simply tell the truth. Avoid making up stories since they generally have a complete and accurate database which will identify whether you’re telling the truth or merely bluffing. They will most likely ask which institution or school you intend to study in, if you have relatives in Canada and if you have knowledge about the city or area.

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4. You have previous violations

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Individuals who have been blacklisted or placed in a bad list have very slim chances of entering Canada. It is best to improve your travel records first by visiting other places through lawful means then showing the visa examiner that you do not intend to violate their laws.

5. You don’t have intention to return

Many applicants are turned down despite having the credentials if they show that they have nothing else to go back to in their home country. Some of the solid evidences that you can provide to prove intent to return include investments in your home country, a good-paying job where you hold a key position or remaining family.

Learn more about the experiences of other successful applicants and prepare all the needed documents to get positive results.

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